Two Zouk Dancers Meditating
Two Zouk dancers meet.
- I went in this amazing garden and all these beautiful flowers and fresh air smelled like
- Zooouuuk
Two Zouk dancers meet.
- How was your day?
- I was practicing the Art of Following.
- Art of Following? Can you explain?
- I followed the beautiful singing of birds in the morning and I woke up. I saw that the sun is about to rise and prepared myself to greet it by going to the beach. Once the sun began rising I was following visually its movement on the surface of water. As I was near the water I followed the desires of my feet to feel the water. As my feet were in the water I followed the desire of my whole body to get into the water. Then I followed the desire to swim. Then I followed the desire to get out of the water and run on the fine beach. Afterwards I saw people dancing in a circle, I followed the desire to join them and I followed their moves while dancing. Pure simple following of nature and life.
- That’s so Zooouuuk!
Two Zouk dancers meet.
- Everything exists in perfect meaning and purpose in its total interconnectedness.
- Zooouuuk!
Two Zouk dancers meet …
They melt into each other …
Then through each other …
and finally emerge in different forms of being.
Two Zouk dancers meet.
- Whatever you seek to dance and connect to, you can experience it. What you most deeply seek and cannot lose, is you.
- Zooouuuk
A non-Zouk dancer meets a Zouk dancer.
- How was your morning?
- Quite zouky!
- Oh, great! What did you do?
- I was relaxing my whole body in my bed. As I got out of the bed I felt the way my feet step on the ground, all the points of contact and their constant changes and playfulness. And while smilingly breathing in, I slowly stretched the muscles from the feet upwards, the lower leg muscles, then upper leg, hip muscles, core expanding into chest opening up, stretching further the muscles of the shoulders, elbow, forearm, wrist and finally hand muscles, projecting out my fingers as though my body is an ever expanding universe … And then with a deep breathing out, relaxing all muscles into silence … With the next breath in, I followed what my body wanted to do, and so with the next breath out. Then I observed how I was going to the bathroom, how my hand touched the door handle, how I turned on the water, how my hands felt while the water was flowing through them, how the water moved while I was rotating my hands. I was reflecting about general patterns of connectivity of the body with other objects and people, patterns in verbal and non-verbal communication, patterns in speed and quality of movements.
- Is this zouky? What has this to do with Zouk?
- Everything 🙂
Two Zouk dancers meet.
- I am thinking too much while dancing. I want to think less.
- As you think so you dance.
- What do you mean?
- What is the root of dancing?
- The body?
- Yes, it is the movement of the body. And what is the root of thinking?
- I don’t know. What is it?
- Every thought originates from silence as a force moving out of silence into movement. This movement is transformed into sound and later is expressed and perceived in language patterns. Thus the root of a thought is a movement.
- You mean movement is the root of thinking and dancing?
- Yes. In their essence dancing and thinking are the same. They are movement. Thus as you think so you dance. As you dance so you think.
- Zooouuuk