Scientific Laws
- reflect knowledge that experiments have repeatedly verified (and never falsified)
- do not have absolute certainty
- can be changed by future observations
- summarize and explain a large collection of facts determined by experiment
- are tested based on their ability to predict the results of future experiments
- its truth is generally confined to a certain set of conditions
- does not describe how and why it works
- have not been proved wrong, yet.
- Hypothesis: a limited explanation of a phenomenon
- Theory : a in-depth explanation of a phenomenon
- Law : a statement about a phenomenon
- Facts: simple basic observations that have shown to be true.
- Laws: generalized observations about a relationship between two or more things in the natural world.
Scientific Process
Observations -> Questions -> Model (Hypothesis) / Explanation -> Prediction -> Testing -> Observations
- Center for Open Science - mission to increase openness, integrity, and reproducibility of research.
- NGSS - Next Generation Science Standards - Scientific & Engineering Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, Physical Science Disciplinary Core Ideas, Life Science Disciplinary Core Ideas, Earth & Space Science Disciplinary Core Ideas, Engineering, Technology & Applications of Science Disciplinary Core Ideas